Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, nano@stanford serves academic, industrial, and governmental researchers across the U.S. and around the globe. We offer a comprehensive array of advanced fabrication & characterization tools, as well as staff expertise in nanoscale science and engineering. nano@stanford consists of four facilities that serves widespread fabrication and characterization needs: Stanford Nanofabrication Facility, Stanford Nano Shared Facilities, Stanford Materials Analysis Facility, and Stanford ICP-MS/TIMS.

Image of an inverted pyramid in silicon, with a nitride film grown on top taken by Karen Dowling on the Keyence 3D laser scanning confocal microscope. This microscope in particular is helpful for imaging steep angles and unique features.

As one of the 16 National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure sites, one of our main goals is to develop and propagate a national model for educational practices that will help students and visitors become knowledgeable and proficient users of the facilities. In order to accomplish our goals, we have added our Keyence 3D laser confocal microscope to the RAIN Network, which can quickly and accurately generate high-resolution optical images as well as surface shape characterization. Further, we also host an open & online platform that contains a library of fabrication and characterization content to better serve our lab members and beyond. Through NNCI and our facilities, we hope to expand this library to a wider set of tools and appreciate any and all feedback. For more information, please visit our website.

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